Course Description

Discover the Secrets of Writing Letters That Get Results

Think of the letters from others you open and trash every day. Some you scan wondering what in the world the company wanted and why they picked you as the recipient of their bureaucratic jibberjabber. Others are ridiculously misdirected, full of unbelievable hype or too boring to spend another second on.

Once in a long while, though, you receive a direct mail piece that speaks to you. That offers something you need or want, or solves a problem that has been bugging you. That tells you in clear and understandable terms how some person, or company, or product or service can help you achieve a goal you value. That gets you to pull out your credit card, or to pick up the phone and call.

That’s the type of sales letter you’ll learn to write - the profitable kind.

One of my most popular services has been transforming sales letters from losing propositions to winners. Using my marketing knowledge and writing skill, I helped scores of clients bring in new or additional business through zippier, better targeted, more effectively constructed letters.

Who can use sales letters profitably? Almost anyone!

With improved letters going out in the mail, attorneys, accountants, publishers, paving contractors, mortgage brokers, mail-order dealers, executive recruiters, association directors and consultants of all sorts have gone from wishing the phone would ring to being too busy handling appointments and orders to plan new projects.

In the course of digging around for examples to use in my nationally syndicated newspaper column on marketing, I realized that my sales letter files contain a gold mine that I should really give others access to. Through before-and-after examples and explanations of the principles of effective marketing, The Sales Letter Makeover Course gives you the inside line on what I know.

Using this course, you quickly master the principles of sales letters that work and will be executing your inspired or vastly improved campaign within weeks. And the materials remain valuable to you for a lifetime of profits - available whenever you need fresh ideas or further refinement of sales letters that are already bringing you truckloads of bucks.

Originally compiled in 1998 and updated in 2005, The Sales Letter Makeover Course teaches timeless principles of earning attention, getting read and sparking action via postal mail. Despite the growth in popularity of digital and social media, mailed sales letters and postcards still get the job done.

This course slashes your learning curve in half.

Even the pros have to test and fine-tune new letters for particular markets, but I’ve compiled an accumulation of copywriting secrets and examples that boost the profitability of every letter campaign multiple times. The Sales Letter Makeover Course offers 20 "before" and "after" versions of letters covering an enormous variety of situations and purposes, from cold prospecting letters to a letter asking customers to visit a trade show booth at an upcoming convention.

These letters come from businesses and professions ranging from a pediatrician and an attorney to a mail-order entrepreneur and a home-based crafts person. (Several of the letter campaigns consist of a series of messages, so you actually get more than 20 "befores" and "afters" to study.)

You begin by pondering the "before" version of each letter to figure out where and how it could use improvement. Then you try your hand at rewriting it to solve the problems with it that you perceive.

After studying and rewriting each letter, you compare your attempt with my commentary and "after" version. Participatory learning drives the lessons home deeply! Since this course is self-paced, you can proceed from lesson to lesson as quickly or as slowly as you wish. Of course, you can also read the "after" letters and commentary immediately to pick up creative techniques to incorporate into your own letters.

Once you complete all the lessons, you can also profitably use the "after" versions as models for your own letters for years to come. The course also contains considerable introductory material, checklists and a FAQ for continued reference.

Here’s a sampling of what you’ll learn in The Sales Letter Makeover Course:

  • Key ingredients to include in just about any sales letter (you’ll find them all here in this very letter - but can you say what they are?)
  • Why a "hello I exist" sales letter will never work, and what to substitute in its place (this tip alone could save you thousands of misdirected marketing dollars)
  • How to write a series of direct mail pieces to fight the natural urge for procrastination (and why this is especially important for unpleasant, "I wish it would just go away" kinds of problems)
  • Ways to grind your competition into the dust without ever mentioning them (this can be done so subtly that readers don’t detect a put-down)
  • Sales letter ingredients that help convince readers you can really perform as promised (yes, testimonials help with that, and what else?)
  • The calculations that tell you when a particular mailing will be worth your time (they involve more than a mere rate of response)
  • Checklists for last-minute insurance against omissions and fatal errors (and how I once ignored these necessary safeguards, with near-disastrous results)
  • How to find valid, up-to-date mailing lists of your perfect prospective customers (in many cases, this takes only one phone call!)
  • Twenty real "before" and "after" sales letters, with comprehensive commentary on what was wrong originally and why it was changed as it was
  • Orientation, overview and general advice on sales letters and direct mail
  • Checklists that rescue you from both careless and fundamental errors

The Sales Letter Makeover Course includes:

  • Preliminary summary of direct mail principles
  • A total of 23 sales letters in two batches - "before" and "after"
  • Commentary on principles underlying the "after" versions

It's all set up in organized fashion online, with each lesson component in downloadable PDF format, so that you can get started at any time and without worrying about transportation to a classroom or shipping costs. Previously sold for $395, the online format of The Sales Letter Makeover Course costs only $97.00.

Build or enhance your ability to bring in business whenever you need it - or whenever your clients do. Sign up today and retain lifetime access to this valuable online learning program.

Marcia Yudkin

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Principles of Effective Sales Letters

    • Principles of Effective Sales Letters

  • 2

    Assignment #1. Mail Order Product: Sales Letter

    • Assignment 1 Before Version

    • Assignment 1 Commentary

    • Assignment 1 After Version

  • 3

    Assignment #2. Mail Order Catalog: Cover Letter

    • Assignment 2 Before Version

    • Assignment 2 Commentary

    • Assignment 2 After Version

  • 4

    Assignment #3. Hand-crafted Item: Letter to Retailers

    • Assignment 3 Before Version

    • Assignment 3 Commentary

    • Assignment 3 After Version

  • 5

    Assignment #4. Business Software: Sales Letter

    • Assignment 4 Before Version

    • Assignment 4 Commentary

    • Assignment 4 After Version

  • 6

    Assignment #5. Industrial Company: Letter to Customers about Trade Show

    • Assignment 5 Before Version

    • Assignment 5 Commentary

    • Assignment 5 After Version

  • 7

    Assignment #6. Toilet Rentals: Letter to Competitors’ Customers

    • Assignment 6 Before Version

    • Assignment 6 Commentary

    • Assignment 6 After Version

  • 8

    Assignment #7. Pediatrician: Letter to Current Patients

    • Assignment 7 Before Version

    • Assignment 7 Commentary

    • Assignment 7 After Version

  • 9

    Assignment #8. Project Management Co.: Letter to Prospects

    • Assignment 8 Before Version

    • Assignment 8 Commentary

    • Assignment 8 After Version

  • 10

    Assignment #9. Mortgage Broker: Letter to Prospects

    • Assignment 9 Before Version

    • Assignment 9 Commentary

    • Assignment 9 After Version

  • 11

    Assignment #10. Financial Consultant: Two Letters to Prospects in Trouble

    • Assignment 10 Before Version

    • Assignment 10 Commentary

    • Assignment 10 After Version

  • 12

    Assignment #11. Attorney: Three Letters to Prospects in Trouble

    • Assignment 11 Before Version

    • Assignment 11 Commentary

    • Assignment 11 After Version

  • 13

    Assignment #12. Financing Company: Letter to Prospects

  • 14

    Assignment #13. Accountant: Letter to Prospects

    • Assignment 13 Before Version

    • Assignment 13 Commentary

    • Assignment 13 After Version

  • 15

    Assignment #14. Organization: Letter to Prospective Members

    • Assignment 14 Before Version

    • Assignment 14 Commentary

    • Assignment 14 After Version

  • 16

    Assignment #15. Business Opportunity Company: Letter about Free Seminar

    • Assignment 15 Before Version

    • Assignment 15 Commentary

    • Assignment 15 After Version

  • 17

    Assignment #16. Paper Supplier: “Here’s Proof” Letter

    • Assignment 16 Before Version

    • Assignment 16 Commentary

    • Assignment 16 After Version

  • 18

    Assignment #17. Information Services: Letter to Two Target Groups

    • Assignment 17 Before Version

    • Assignment 17 Commentary

    • Assignment 17 After Version

  • 19

    Assignment #18. Business Note Broker: Letter Offering Free Report

    • Assignment 18 Before Version

    • Assignment 18 Commentary

    • Assignment 18 After Version

  • 20

    Assignment #19. Cleaning Supply Company: Letter to Respondents

    • Assignment 19 Before Version

    • Assignment 19 Commentary

    • Assignment 19 After Version

  • 21

    Assignment #20. Sexual Information: Letter to Men

    • Assignment 20 Before Version

    • Assignment 20 Commentary

    • Assignment 20 After Version

  • 22

    What Next?

    • Other No-Hype Courses

  • $147.00

    $147.00The Sales Letter Makeover Course PLUS The Press Release Makeover Course

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