Course Description

Brand (or Rebrand) Yourself So Ideal Clients Consider You Their Top Choice

Create Appeal While Staying True to Your Introvert Self

Tired of pretending to be the company or individual that experts say you "should" be to attract business? Turned off by marketing advice that feels fake, manipulative, aggressive or insanely difficult for you to carry out? Eager for a fresh business identity that attracts clients effectively while setting you up to do your best for them?

Discover how to market yourself with both integrity and style.

When you highlight your distinctive character strengths and talents with a little bit of pizzazz, people and organizations that prefer someone just like you show up and become long-term customers and referral sources. This personal branding course has been specifically designed for introverts.

Why for introverts?

The approach in this program evolved through extensive dialogue with professionals who recoil from much conventional marketing advice with "That's just not me!" or "The gurus' advice revolts me." Nearly all of them were introverts.

If you are someone who smiles only at people you respect, prefers keeping the private you from public scrutiny and dislikes both braggarts and bragging, this program is geared to your sensitivities. The techniques and examples in the course enable you to underscore your quiet strengths in a positive and compelling manner.

Sparked a Thorough, Effective Marketing Makeover
"The questions and format of Marcia's program guided me step by step towards building an approach to marketing that I'm comfortable with. From the way I dress for networking events, to the types of meetings I attend, to how I speak about my business once I'm there, I find people now understand who I am, what I do and what type of clients they can refer to me. Marketing is actually fun now: I can be myself and see clearly how my unique personality, qualifications and work style benefit my clients and potential clients." - Anne Marie Wenzel, CEO, Econosystems, Menlo Park, CA

You get a logical, easy-to-follow structure, with four step-by-step branding lessons that crystallize into a specific plan and brand personality. You formulate the wording and visuals that signal what's special about you (or your company) to those hunting and hoping for something just like that.

The upshot is a new business identity, either an evolution of what you already have or a marked departure that shines a brighter spotlight on your unique strengths, experience, values and passions.

This webinar-style video course takes you through a proven four-step process illustrated by more than 100 examples.

Step 1: Branding From the Inside Out. What do you want to be known for? Here we toss out the conventional "shoulds" for a business image and discuss how to use what's important to you as your starting point. Discovery exercises help you clarify what you most have to offer those who engage you, how you prefer to relate to clients and whether you have personal characteristics or experiences you'd like to incorporate into your branding.

Step 2: Defining and Appealing to Your Ideal Customers. Who would you most like to be working with? You feel saner and clients are more likely to be delighted when there's as close a match as possible between your personality, values and strengths and the behavior and expectations of those who are hiring and paying you. You hear about common objections to this notion, and you receive support and feedback in clarifying the identity and characteristics of your ideal customers.

Step 3: 22 Elements You Can Use to Brand Yourself. Learn well over a dozen techniques you can choose from to dramatize in a concise way the messages that highlight your distinctiveness and appeal most to your target market, while turning away those you'd rather not have as clients. These range from a company name and tag line to a moniker ("The Queen of Clean"), a business motto, visual style and much more.

Step 4: Marketing Copy With Personality Power. You now discover how to fill in the bare ideas you've generated so far with promotional copy that reaches out with a sparkling appeal for your favorite kind of clients. Consider global ways to send clear, memorable personality signals on your web site and elsewhere, and get inspiration from a multitude of categorized examples.

In designing the course content, instructor Marcia Yudkin has called upon more than 30 years of business experience and her coaching of hundreds of individuals - especially but not exclusively introverts.

Note: If you are hearing-impaired, speak English as a second (or third) language or just like to review content quickly, you'll be glad to know that this course includes the written transcript of each video lesson. It also includes numerous worksheets and three supplementary audio recordings of client consultations that flesh out concepts in the course.

 Unquestionably a Valuable Investment of Money and Time
"Working through Marcia's program helped me define who my key clients are and more importantly understand what they are looking for in the services I provide. Prior to this, I was content with simply listing the services without making any emotional connection to what it was the client was searching for. The course showed me how to evaluate other sites and then create web pages that accurately reflect the services I provide while appealing to the clients I want to attract." - Donal Dixon, Founder, Asia Business Advisory, Bangkok, Thailand

Remember that you have lifetime access to the course after you enroll, so you can review the advice and suggestions from time to time as your comfort with marketing your own way develops and deepens.

If you're ready to stop presenting yourself in a generic, me-too fashion, excited about appealing to ideal customers and eager to harness the power of distinctiveness, this is the personal branding course for you.

Enrollment Options

You have two enrollment options at the bottom of this page: 1)Just the course content for $197, or 2)All the course content PLUS three hours of consulting with me (scheduled at some mutually agreeable time) and unlimited email feedback on your branding project. For $997, get answers to crucial questions, constructive feedback and insightful suggestions to make your overall rebranding strategy and its implementation a success.

Need a payment plan? Ask. We can divide the cost of the "plus" program into two installments of $500 each if that makes the program more manageable for you.

If you sign up for Personal Branding for Introverts PLUS COACHING, I'll be in touch to tell you how to request coaching appointments and email feedback whenever you are ready for them.

Marcia Yudkin

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

  • 2

    Part I. Branding From the Inside Out

    • Lesson 4. Self-Assessment Questions

    • Lesson 4 Transcript

    • Lesson 4 Worksheet

    • Lesson 5. Self-Assessment Questions (Continued)

    • Lesson 5 Transcript

    • Lesson 5 Worksheet

    • Lesson 6. Your Personality

    • Free Personality Tests

    • Lesson 6 Transcript

    • Lesson 6 Worksheet

    • Lesson 7. How You Relate to Clients

    • Lesson 7 Transcript

  • 3

    Part II. Define Your Ideal Customers

    • Lesson 8. Demographics of Your Ideal Customers

    • Lesson 8 Transcript

    • Lesson 9. Psychographics of Your Ideal Customers

    • Lesson 9 Transcript

    • Lesson 9 Worksheet

    • Lesson 10. Constructing Personas of Your Ideal Customers

    • Lesson 10 Transcript

    • Sample Personas

    • Persona Consultation (Bonus Audio)

  • 4

    Part III. 22 Elements You Can Use to Brand Yourself

    • Lesson 11. 5 Fun and Effective Branding Elements

    • Branding Elements

    • Lesson 11 Transcript

    • Lesson 11 Worksheet

    • Lesson 12. 9 More Fun and Effective Branding Elements

    • Lesson 12 Transcript

    • Lesson 13. 8 More Fun and Effective Branding Elements

    • Lesson 13 Transcript

    • Sound Bite Consultation (Bonus Audio)

    • Lesson 14. Story Lines Not to Use in Your Branding

    • Lesson 14 Transcript

    • Lesson 15. Story Lines That Are Good to Use for Branding

    • Lesson 15 Transcript

  • 5

    Part IV. Marketing Copy With Introvert Power

    • Lesson 16. Branding Pages

    • Branding Elements

    • Lesson 16 Transcript

    • Lesson 17. Other Types of Branding Pages

    • Lesson 17 Transcript

    • Lesson 18. Still More Types of Branding Pages

    • Lesson 18 Transcript

    • Lesson 19. Large Branding Elements

    • Lesson 19 Transcript

    • Personal Branding Consultation (Bonus Audio)

  • 6

    Part V. A Checklist for Your Branding Blueprint

    • Lesson 20. The Personal Branding Checklist

    • Lesson 20 Transcript

    • Lesson 20 Checklist

  • 7

    What Next?

    • Other Courses That May Interest You

WIth feedback and coaching, create new branding that both clients and you love.

  • $997.00

    $997.00Personal Branding for Introverts WITH COACHING

    Buy Now